I find it necessary to offer a rationale for my brief sabbatical from the Filthy Rags column. I have two excuses for my lack of print columns listed as follows:
1. I am training for a Marathon June 12th in Maryville, Missouri. Yes…your former 400+lb writer is running 26.2 miles, potentially to his doom, in less than 3 weeks. I have been training hard the last 3 months running between 30 and 40 miles most weeks. My two goals: survival and the Glorification of the Savior, in reverse order. I encourage all my readers to try this death march/marathon training…it is quite cool and rewarding. I listen to between 3-6 hours of sermons a day and have refreshing times of prayer in the process.
2. My friend John Wilson and I have launched a new radio program airing at 8:30pm on Wednesdays. It is called “The Dog and Pony Show” and you can catch it on 107.7 LakeFM radio. (Note to my Atheist readers…We will be airing live with the ability to prove our utter lack of tact/intellect as best you can so I hope we hear from you!). I point you to dogandpony.weebly.com (soon to be reduced to dogandpony.com) for more information in regards to that show.
I certainly intend to be back the week after the marathon offering you more of the finely-tuned drivel you have come to expect in the last 3 years of our little chats. I appreciate all of the prayer about my weight loss (and it is still hard to keep it off! I swell up like a puffer fish at the sniff of the wrong food!) Please pray for the Dog
and Pony Show as well.
Join me in a sane version of the sandwich-boarded man whose sign says “Repent for the end is near”. The end may indeed be near, but, one thing is for certain…all of us are on borrowed time. I love Cedar County/Stockton and certainly hope that all its residents will repent of their sin and believe before it too late. As the Prince of Preachers Charles Spurgeon rightly said “Someone asked Will the heathen who have never heard the Gospel be saved? It is more a question with me whether we — who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not — can be saved!” Many in our community don’t know Jesus. They know what they have heard from Oprah or CNN, but don’t have a saving relationship with the King of Kings. Every day the storm sirens ring twice to remind us that tornadoes happen. Every week three to six people on average grace this paper with their passing listed in the deaths section. How many pass from life to eternal death we cannot know, but we must not fail in ringing the sirens to warn them that of the judgment that is to come. God is infinitely kind to send His Son to die for those who would repent and believe. As the Moravian missionaries eloquently stated, shouldn’t the Lamb that was slain receive the full reward for His suffering?
May God richly bless and keep you this week as always!
1. I am training for a Marathon June 12th in Maryville, Missouri. Yes…your former 400+lb writer is running 26.2 miles, potentially to his doom, in less than 3 weeks. I have been training hard the last 3 months running between 30 and 40 miles most weeks. My two goals: survival and the Glorification of the Savior, in reverse order. I encourage all my readers to try this death march/marathon training…it is quite cool and rewarding. I listen to between 3-6 hours of sermons a day and have refreshing times of prayer in the process.
2. My friend John Wilson and I have launched a new radio program airing at 8:30pm on Wednesdays. It is called “The Dog and Pony Show” and you can catch it on 107.7 LakeFM radio. (Note to my Atheist readers…We will be airing live with the ability to prove our utter lack of tact/intellect as best you can so I hope we hear from you!). I point you to dogandpony.weebly.com (soon to be reduced to dogandpony.com) for more information in regards to that show.

Join me in a sane version of the sandwich-boarded man whose sign says “Repent for the end is near”. The end may indeed be near, but, one thing is for certain…all of us are on borrowed time. I love Cedar County/Stockton and certainly hope that all its residents will repent of their sin and believe before it too late. As the Prince of Preachers Charles Spurgeon rightly said “Someone asked Will the heathen who have never heard the Gospel be saved? It is more a question with me whether we — who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who have not — can be saved!” Many in our community don’t know Jesus. They know what they have heard from Oprah or CNN, but don’t have a saving relationship with the King of Kings. Every day the storm sirens ring twice to remind us that tornadoes happen. Every week three to six people on average grace this paper with their passing listed in the deaths section. How many pass from life to eternal death we cannot know, but we must not fail in ringing the sirens to warn them that of the judgment that is to come. God is infinitely kind to send His Son to die for those who would repent and believe. As the Moravian missionaries eloquently stated, shouldn’t the Lamb that was slain receive the full reward for His suffering?
May God richly bless and keep you this week as always!
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