"Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery." Exodus 20:14
"Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her committed adultery with her already in his heart." Matthew 5:27-8 (KJV)
"I have looked on many women with lust. I have committed adultery in my heart many times. God knows I will do this and forgives me." Former President Jimmy Carter (Playboy Magazine November 1976 as quoted on www.notable-quotes.com...I don't read the articles or look at the pictures.)
As we continue out tiptoe through the "I am a Good Person!!"-minefield that is the Ten Commandments, I point us to the Seventh Commandment which forbids Adultery. I could start with some shocking statistics about STD's, huge numbers of sexual partners of typical Americans, or statistical similarities of those who go to church with those who don't (a topic for another day). I could beat you with a Golden Club for your past indiscretions, while hiding mine. I could just pull a Nancy Reagan and say "just say no!" All would be good ice breakers. All would in a way expose the subject. Ever the one to think outside the box, I will spin in another direction. I will aim my plea at two groups...just try to hide!
To the married members of the vast audience...can we talk for a minute? How much do you love your spouse? Remember the days when things were fresh, exciting, and new? Remember fighting over who would be forced to say Goodbye first on the phone during your calls. (Maybe I am the only one that started dating their spouse when I was 16?!?!) Remember (currently, too, I would hope) when the thought of someone hurting the one you love would make you shake with anger to protect them? Remember learning what she liked, what "Hair Band" he dreams of looking like with his mullet spruced up for you, or where she liked to eat ice cream? Remember the fear of losing the one you love after the first big fight? The same God who gave your spouse to you is using them to grow you today. Stop using any character trait of theirs as an excuse to commit adultery. Men especially, you don't have to physically cheat on her to commit adultery. Pornography rates are astronomical. Love your wife. Simple. Ladies...no mo

To singles... I can imagine that it is hard. Thank God that you have more time to devote to His service. You have a special gift...undivided love and attention for God, that many married people, regrettably, don't have. Stay pure. Stay accountable to others when things are easy and when they are difficult! You will grow from the position God has put you in and God will get a tremendous amount of Glory from your life!
Lastly, to everyone who carries the banner of Christianity...prepare to be annoyed with the slightly less fat writer. Stop dancing with the Devil. Pornography is not OK. Gawking at the other sex, or the same for that matter, is not ok! Other things in our life are a slap at God as well. Think of Christ like the Bible lists as our Bridegroom. We are, presumably, growing toward Christlikeness in a way to show ourselves a Bride to Christ when He returns someday. (I know, for macho men this concept can be a challenge. ) We, as one wanting to be spotless for our wedding day, have preparation to do. Given this, why would we do things that are effectively committing adultery on our Bridegroom? Why would we do Yoga? Yoga

A special note to Jimmy Carter... Mr. President, we all struggle with sin. Many of

God is so kind to forgive us in this area. I see this as a huge area of hidden concern to most people. God can and will forgive from past sin and grant you His Holy Spirit to help along the way, if you are willing to repent (Turn away from) adultery, in all its forms. Questions, concerns, or accountability, email me. God Bless!
Weight update... 249.4! Through God's Mercy, I have lost 15+ pounds since last we talked two weeks ago. I have lost a total of 86.6 pounds. My goal is 177, so I have 72.4 to go. Moving right along!!!
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