“Then I will teach transgressors your ways,
and sinners will be converted to you.” (Psalm 51:13 NASB)
Short and sweet this week, unlike the usually verbose and tart prose you come to expect from your corpulent scribe. Onward we plow through Psalm 51, one of the finest in the Bible.
“Then.” Simple first word, but loaded for bear! Was David trying to bribe God? Would a quid pro quo (“this for that” arrangement) work with a God that needs nothing from us? No, he had a different thought. The past 12 verses have amounted to David begging for a restoration for failing and sinning against God by having an affair with Bathsheba, then having her husband killed to try to cover it up. David starts with “then” because he is exemplifying the right response to grace (unmerited favor). Luke 7:41+ has the Savior discussing debt to your neighbor and how being forgiven of debt in varying amounts relates to love by debtor to the one owed to. This, to me, matches David perfectly. David knows his offense was grave and that he deserves the fate of his predecessor Saul, and knows acutely that he has a hope of forgiveness with God. He also understands the importance of humility before a high and Holy God (See Psalms 18:27; 25:9; 35:13; 147:6; 149:4 among others). He is so anxious to do good things, not to earn forgiveness, but to express thanks for it. He desperately wants back his standing before God so that he can honor his Redeemer.
So...are you really saved? Do you do good things to earn forgiveness or because you are so grateful to an awesome God for saving you? Count up your sins. (Read Exodus 20 for starters.) Every lie, every lustful moment, every time you have stolen, etc.. Now add up the times you have just thought bad things. Then think of
Jesus Christ dying on the cross as a punishment for your and my sins. Now ask yourself, why would Jesus die on a cross in a way that made people all around sick if He needed your help to save you? Would your helping an old lady across the street or being carbon neutral pay for the multitude of sins you have committed in your life? “Then” means “You saved a wretch like me, I will forever do all I can to bring you honor to your Awesome and Holy name, not to pay you back (impossible) or exalt myself (Isaiah 64:6).” Yikes, the first word took half a page, maybe this will be as long as the rest?!? Sorry!
“I will teach transgressors your ways...”. David knows his “testimony” has been changed by his stupidity. I believe he knows he can use his story, in a humbled way, to show others what not to do. Throughout I & II Chronicles, Judges, and I & II Kings, among others, are kings and rulers who don't learn from their mistakes. Downward spirals abound. I believe David is different. He plans on humbly exalting the Savior like he did as a boy when he whacked the Giant.
“And sinners will be converted to you.” If there was a quid pro quo to be found, it may very well have been here. “I will teach transgressors your way, and sinners will be converted to you.” When God, through a humble servant/pastor/accountability partner/ friend teaches “His ways”, sinners like us (Romans 3:23) will be “born again” (John 3). When I first grasped my own sin in a way that made sense, I ran to the One who could save me. We have dragged the term “born again” through the mud in my generation, yet Jesus clearly says in John 3 and other places that unless you are born again, you will face an eternity in a place as real as Greenfield called Hell. Don't say a prescribed prayer someone feeds you if you don't understand sin and its effects and realities. Don't walk an aisle in a church to get a better life or for fulfillment or for cash from God. Don't sign a pledge card to buy God's forgiveness. See your sins like David, REPENT from them (turn from them and forsake them...agree never to do them again and HATE them going forward), and TRUST alone in Jesus Christ to pay your sin debt on the cross to save you , and you will be born again. Trust in your good works to save you at your own peril. George Whitefield said it best saying “Works? Works? A man get to heaven by works? I would as soon think of climbing to the moon on a rope of sand!”. My works are like my column's name... Filthy Rags (Isaiah 64:6). Would God save me because of something (my good works) He compared to a used maxi-
pad? I think not. I am the reason He sent Jesus to die, and you can get in on His forgiveness too! And for those already born again, read closely. We should give Him everything we have the rest of our lives for His goodness for saving us. David felt the same way. We owe God everything! Reread the Luke verse above, think about your sin and His forgiveness and get to work! The fields are white.
Verse for the week 1 John 1:9...read it closely!
Diet update: 285...lost 2.6 more, only 100 to go! God is Good, all the time!
Pray for our mission trip this week. I appreciate you!
and sinners will be converted to you.” (Psalm 51:13 NASB)
Short and sweet this week, unlike the usually verbose and tart prose you come to expect from your corpulent scribe. Onward we plow through Psalm 51, one of the finest in the Bible.
“Then.” Simple first word, but loaded for bear! Was David trying to bribe God? Would a quid pro quo (“this for that” arrangement) work with a God that needs nothing from us? No, he had a different thought. The past 12 verses have amounted to David begging for a restoration for failing and sinning against God by having an affair with Bathsheba, then having her husband killed to try to cover it up. David starts with “then” because he is exemplifying the right response to grace (unmerited favor). Luke 7:41+ has the Savior discussing debt to your neighbor and how being forgiven of debt in varying amounts relates to love by debtor to the one owed to. This, to me, matches David perfectly. David knows his offense was grave and that he deserves the fate of his predecessor Saul, and knows acutely that he has a hope of forgiveness with God. He also understands the importance of humility before a high and Holy God (See Psalms 18:27; 25:9; 35:13; 147:6; 149:4 among others). He is so anxious to do good things, not to earn forgiveness, but to express thanks for it. He desperately wants back his standing before God so that he can honor his Redeemer.
So...are you really saved? Do you do good things to earn forgiveness or because you are so grateful to an awesome God for saving you? Count up your sins. (Read Exodus 20 for starters.) Every lie, every lustful moment, every time you have stolen, etc.. Now add up the times you have just thought bad things. Then think of

“I will teach transgressors your ways...”. David knows his “testimony” has been changed by his stupidity. I believe he knows he can use his story, in a humbled way, to show others what not to do. Throughout I & II Chronicles, Judges, and I & II Kings, among others, are kings and rulers who don't learn from their mistakes. Downward spirals abound. I believe David is different. He plans on humbly exalting the Savior like he did as a boy when he whacked the Giant.
“And sinners will be converted to you.” If there was a quid pro quo to be found, it may very well have been here. “I will teach transgressors your way, and sinners will be converted to you.” When God, through a humble servant/pastor/accountability partner/ friend teaches “His ways”, sinners like us (Romans 3:23) will be “born again” (John 3). When I first grasped my own sin in a way that made sense, I ran to the One who could save me. We have dragged the term “born again” through the mud in my generation, yet Jesus clearly says in John 3 and other places that unless you are born again, you will face an eternity in a place as real as Greenfield called Hell. Don't say a prescribed prayer someone feeds you if you don't understand sin and its effects and realities. Don't walk an aisle in a church to get a better life or for fulfillment or for cash from God. Don't sign a pledge card to buy God's forgiveness. See your sins like David, REPENT from them (turn from them and forsake them...agree never to do them again and HATE them going forward), and TRUST alone in Jesus Christ to pay your sin debt on the cross to save you , and you will be born again. Trust in your good works to save you at your own peril. George Whitefield said it best saying “Works? Works? A man get to heaven by works? I would as soon think of climbing to the moon on a rope of sand!”. My works are like my column's name... Filthy Rags (Isaiah 64:6). Would God save me because of something (my good works) He compared to a used maxi-

Verse for the week 1 John 1:9...read it closely!
Diet update: 285...lost 2.6 more, only 100 to go! God is Good, all the time!
Pray for our mission trip this week. I appreciate you!
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